Monday, March 5, 2007

S. Katherine Duval, SSND, Colleague

Tim was THE number one influence in helping me understand that development is first and foremost about building relationships, which he did so well - with compassion, energy, humor, generosity and patience. I worked with Tim when Mankato SSND hired Metanoia as our capital campaign consultant. Tim was instrumental in helping us reach our goal not only because of his expertise but also through exceptional dedication, boundless energy and wonderful creativity. Tim continued to serve as my mentor and helper through the years and just before his untimely death had offered to mentor our newly hired development director. This was Tim - always ready to help people grow, achieve their potential and make the world a better place. Along with so many, many friends and relatives, civic groups and organizations, who were touched by his expertise, goodness and love, I will miss Tim, too. My prayers especially for his wife and family. May our compasssionate God and the support and love of family members and friends be their source of strength and comfort in the days and weeks ahead. God bless, S. Katherine

S. Katherine Duval, SSND, Colleague