John Plante, Cohort 1
Having recently changed jobs and misplacing his phone number, I learned of Tim's passing upon going to the SMU webpage to get his number so I could call him. I was a member of the first cohort 16 years ago - a group that bonded very closely, with Tim at the center. Tim became a trusted advisor, mentor and friend to me, and we remained in close contact throughout the years, getting together whenever our paths crossed, most recently in Winona last summer. We shared a passion for baseball and the Dodgers, and I'll never forget him taking me into his basement at one of his famous P&D bbq's to show me the scorebook he used to keep as a kid when watching Dodger games on TV. That type of passion was reflected in everything Tim did, we are all better for having known him, and he will be greatly missed.
John Plante, Cohort 1