Friday, February 23, 2007

Ric Kethcart, Friend of the family

Tim was my brother ... he assured through his love and caring that my being an only child did not mean I would not have a "brother". Tim was in all senses of the word, a man of Christ; He understood the core message that Christ shared and lived it each day. Community, family, people ... all were his passion. Tim took time to know and listen to people of all backgrounds, and to learn from each one. He was truly a sum of many, many parts. For Barb, Sarah and Jesse, this is a tragedy without equal. A change of this magnitude is always unexpected ... you are always unprepared for the shock and impact. All three of them, along with Tim's Dad, his brothers Roy and Mark, and their families are in my thoughts and prayers.

Ric Kethcart, Friend of the family