Friday, February 23, 2007

Julie Alfred, Cohort 3

One of my favorite memories of Tim is of the time our P&D cohort heard we'd be participating in an afternoon of "outward bound" type exercises. Adults away from home--even intelligent professionals--can revert to high school behavior, so the rumor spread and mushroomed to include our having to walk across a wire strung high between two poles.The entire week before this afternoon arrived, I lost sleep over the possibility of having to reveal my profound fear of heights. I finally decided to talk with Tim about it. When I told him what we'd heard and expressed my anxiety, he looked at me, smiled and said "Fear of heights is all about control. You have control issues." I smiled back and said to him "Yes, and look who's talking." Tim was the consummate Big Man on Campus. He had a big, genuine sense of humor and a wonderfully big ego. He also had a big, generous spirit. In the film, "As Good As It Gets," Jack Nicholson's character stops his angry love interest in her tracks by telling her, "You make me want to be a better man." Tim made me want to be a better development professional. As a teacher, colleague and friend, he definitely was as good as it gets.

Julie Alfred, Cohort 3